Our back
yard Garden
a little piece of wonderland we
like to share
We thought we must have felt an earthquake but NO it was only the Jolly
Green Giant stepping
lightly in our garden!
Felt like a 4.0 to us!
This rock weighs about 22 pounds.
This guy just jumped out of the BLUE
while we weren't looking!
It looks like an ancient samauri warrier on horseback.
Notice the sheild over his left shoulder and a
cape flaring out in each
direction behind him. His horse is adorned with armor.
little Billy goat seemed to be floating in a field of blue crystal, as
it seems he likes to hang around at family gatherings.
This is our blue family circle. Our
Samauri is in the upper
right. The billy goat is lower left. We think the figure in the upper
left side
of the frame with a flat hat might be Guinan, with two more fairies on
right. Can you find any more entities in this frame?
If you
can't see the yellow angel blowing a horn - we may as well as hand it
up right now!
We call this one, Announcing the new Pope.
We caught the TWO Headed Comic
in the heart of a
redish orange flower.
reminds us of all the great comedy teams of the past, notably: Laurel
and Hardy, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, the Smother's brothers, and
many many more, not to mention folks who seem to have two faces! he! he!
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