Conscious Living Systems
Privacy Statement

We now use a vitrual merchant credit card system, and do not retain online records of your credit information. The information is transmitted to the online system and not stored here.  Thus your sensitive information cannot be mined from our systems. Also, we do not share any of our customer information, including name and address, phone numbers email addresses and sales history with any third party.

Our web site is maintained on our own protected servers. There is no customer information on this system.

Email - sending and receiving messages

Because of the increase in spam email we have taken an agressive stance regarding filtering messages. We refuse email from any server that has been involved with sending spam. So if you send us an email and do not receive a reply it is probably because your message was treated as spam.

If, however, your service provider is on the known spamer list, then your message will probably be lost.

Send us plain text messages only - not HTML messages - HTML format has been widely used by spammers.

In this event please direct your email to our alternate email box.

In the event that email does not work for you, you can contact us via phone:
800 gone message

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